Scale to meet your custom training needs

Find and onboard vetted training contractors in less than 48 hours.

Trusted by the world’s best companies

Why use L&D On-Demand?

  • Talent you can trust

    All 3K+ Degreed contractors are rigorously vetted and recommended by references.
  • Start a project in 48 hours

    Our AI-enabled platform matches you with qualified candidates in days, not weeks.
  • Do more with less budget

    Access the best talent, without traditional markups. Pay rates 50% lower by cutting fees.

Browse Offerings from Degreed Contractors

Find the right training solution for any need. Transparent pricing, clear scope, and vetted expertise.

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  • Inclusive Mindset in the Workplace

    Creating an inclusive environment is by no means a passive act. It’s a deliberately cultivated, highly complex skill set that can be learned over time with the right kind of mindset—and the right guiding principles: humility, bravery, and dedication.

    4.5 (23) $5K-$15K
  • Accountability for Leaders: Navigating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    Find out how to drive meaningful change in DEI initiatives. Learn about the consequences of a lack of accountability in DEI efforts and the benefits of holding leaders accountable for DEI outcomes. Explore ways to build an accountability framework for DEI and learn the key components of an effective DEI accountability.

    4.3 (26) $10K-$20K
  • Rolling Out a Diversity and Inclusion Training Program in Your Company

    Rolling Out a Diversity and Inclusion Training Program in Your Company. How to promote your program and keep the momentum going strong with employee- and leadership-led content.

    4.2 (27) $5K-$10K
  • Measure and communicate ESG and DEI progress

    Comprehensive strategies for quantifying progress in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts. Get practical guidance on communicating these achievements to stakeholders in a clear and impactful manner.

    4.8 (6) $15K-$25K

“I don’t know if I would’ve been able to find this talent anywhere else.”


Training Manager, Michelin

Explore All Vetted Contractors

Work with world-class instructional designers, content developers and more.

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  • Leadership Specialist

    Organizational development specialist. Collaborates with teams, helps companies think bigger picture. Builds out elearning trainings for employees, loves personal development plans.

  • Communications Trainer

    Communications trainer, coach, and consultant. Focus on helping people be themselves in communication. Designed interactive client experiences in Leadership Development.

  • Instructional Designer

    Instructional Technology Expert with 25+ years of experience. Partnering with clients to address training development needs. Providing customized training solutions aligned with business objectives. Led highperforming teams to create effective training solutions.

  • Project Manager

    Specialist in curriculum design, learning, and project management. Collaborated with stakeholders to develop elearning courses. Managed teams of instructional designers for high priority events.

  • Workplace Trainer

    Attorney turned trainer with 10 years of experience. Creates and delivers customized training programs. Focuses on practical application and plain language communication. Serves clients in various industries, including government, education, and healthcare.


Build a Capabilities Academy

Develop a customized academy within your organization to reskill employees, aligning with future skills needs and business strategies.

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Learn how to scale your L&D team in 2024

Access the expertise you need when you need it.

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